michael chung

Michael Chung is the Director of Market Intelligence at the Auto Care Association. Michael has worked in molecular biology research, environmental consulting, marketing and communications, and market research. He writes about industry trends and key factors influencing the health of the automotive aftermarket to help businesses throughout the supply chain make better decisions.

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In this episode…

So much has happened in the auto industry in the last year and a half. How can you make sense of all the information and figure out how it will affect the market? 

The Auto Care Association takes care of that. Members across the organization gather relevant research that will help people in every corner of the auto industry. They have parts manufacturers, distributors, manufacturers, representatives, retail operations experts, and more on their team. The Auto Care Association creates an opportunity for collaboration. Together, you can help drive the industry forward. 

On this episode of the Gain Traction Podcast, Mike Edge sits down with Michael to discuss how the Auto Care Association brings people together to build up the auto industry. Michael shares what he loves the most about his work, the type of research the Auto Care Association gathers, and how it’s helping every part of the supply chain. 

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • Michael Chung shares how he got started with Auto Care Association and what he loves most about the organization
  • How research at the Auto Care Association is driving the industry forward and building connections
  • What type of data does the Auto Care Association gather?
  • The mentors that have inspired Michael — and his favorite book at the moment

Resources mentioned in this episode:


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